There is a large variety of academic discourse communities available at the university today. Deciding to go to college is deciding to enter an academic discourse community all on its own but deciding to choose a major is entering a more specified discourse community. There are many similarities and differences between each community which makes it difficult for some people to choose, including myself. Comparing and contrasting majors can make it easier for someone to choose which academic discourse community they decide to connect themselves with. I'm currently Undeclared but the discourse community I belong to is the Visual Art community within CVPA.
College of Visual and Performing Arts:
This school is a dynamic arts college that offers multiple different programs in which trains and challenge's students to reach their full potential, become fluent in the language of arts, and become skilled in their field of study
There are 13 different undergraduate programs and each one has their own distinct language
For visual art we focus on art subjects such as: ceramics, drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, design, textiles, photography, video, filmmaking and architecture.
How "Newcomers" can successfully enter / what they need to know:
To transfer into a major in the CVPA school all you would need to do is send in a portfolio of 10-12 pieces of your art work, whichever form it may be as well as a Resume
When taking the courses, rather if your good at certain ones or not you'll still be considered successfully into the "group" because with art, everyone has their own strong points and weak points
Naturally some people are better then others in certain fields and we understand that so it doesn't mean you still wouldn't be a part of the group, you just have more to learn and practice on to strengthen your skills
The work is fun and, creative but also time consuming and tedious at times
You'll learn both the visual and verbal