Sample of Sources Used: * "Black Women with Biracial Children." 2007: * Delle, Margaret. "Raising Biracial Children: Still a Difficult Subject after all These Years." 2007:"Identity Issues and Concerns of Biracial Children."2007: * Jones Frank and Gibbs Staff. "Parenting Biracial Children: Issues for Black/White Biracial Child- Rearing." 2007: * Nakazawa, Donna Jackson. Does Anybody Else Look Like Me?: A Parent's Guide to Raising Multiracial Children. Da Capo Press; Reprint edition March 30, 2004. * Pattnaik, Jvotsna. "Learning about the "other: Building a Case for Intercultural Understanding among Minority Children." Childhood Education Vol 79 2003. P
Sample of Sources Used: * "Black Women with Biracial Children." 2007: * Delle, Margaret. "Raising Biracial Children: Still a Difficult Subject after all These Years." 2007:"Identity Issues and Concerns of Biracial Children."2007: * Jones Frank and Gibbs Staff. "Parenting Biracial Children: Issues for Black/White Biracial Child- Rearing." 2007: * Nakazawa, Donna Jackson. Does Anybody Else Look Like Me?: A Parent's Guide to Raising Multiracial Children. Da Capo Press; Reprint edition March 30, 2004. * Pattnaik, Jvotsna. "Learning about the "other: Building a Case for Intercultural Understanding among Minority Children." Childhood Education Vol 79 2003. P