John Doe
Jstep University
HSER 509: Multicultural Issues in Human Services
Abstract Multiculturalism in education is an essential element in shaping America’s increasingly diverse society by reducing racism. This research takes a look at the relationship between multiculturalism and how educating the youth would cure racism. Multiculturalism is the view that cultural differences should be respected or even encouraged. The concept of multiculturalism reduces racism in our society because it forces people to communicate and understand individuals’ cultures that are different from theirs. Multiculturalism is very important in our Society. It helps us look at other cultures respectably and freely. Without it, we would be forced to be informed about only the main cultures in our society. Multiculturalism can be defined as the policy of maintaining a diversity of ethnic cultures within a community. Getting to know cultures only enhances our knowledge and understanding, which leads to accepting and learning new history. Our education of these various cultures and languages has provided us with open minds, and awareness of the world among us. When we have a better understanding for a culture different from ours it will help us be more understanding which would reduce racism
America today is an increasingly multicultural society. Immigrants from many lands and backgrounds add daily to the ethnic and religious mix. Increasingly, children of new immigrants do not speak English as their native language. They follow customs and religions that “mainstream” Americans find exotic or even threatening. These new arrivals add to a population of native-born minorities, many of whom have long faced discrimination and second-class citizen status. African-Americans suffered for generations under the legacy of slavery. They faced prejudicial laws and exclusion from the American Dream. Denied access to basic
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