Pilot Study Evaluation of the Early Assessment Program’sProfessional Development in English2004-05Report Submitted to:California County SuperintendentsEducational Services AssociationSubmitted by:Teacher Education and Public School ProgramsAcademic Affairs, Office of the ChancellorThe California State University October 2005
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AcknowledgmentsWe wish to acknowledge the following organizations for their contributions tothis collaborative effort.• Curriculum and Instruction Steering Committee, California County Superintendents Education Services Association• California Department of EducationFor more information, please contact:Margaret Olebe, Ph.D.Associate Director, Teacher Education and Public School ProgramsAcademic Affairs, Office of the Chancellor, The California State University(562) 951 – 4713 molebe@calstate.edu CSU Faculty Contributors: Denise Fleming, CSU East Bay; Dana L. Grisham, SanDiego State University; Mira Lisa Katz, Sonoma State University; and Eric Suess,CSU East Bay. ii
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Table of Contents PageAcknowledgementsiiExecutive SummaryvPurpose1Introduction2Early Assessment Program in English4Study Description8Design9Methods9Results13Survey Findings13Quantitative Analysis18Qualitative Analysis20Conclusions and Recommendations31References34AppendicesA-1 iii
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List of Tables and FiguresPageTable 1. Expository Reading & Writing Course Sequence8Table 2. Characteristics of Participating Teachers and Schools10Table 3. Comparison of EPT and RCST Skills Measured12Figure 1. Years of Teaching Experience14Figure 2. API Ranks of Respondents’ Schools14Figure 3. Most frequently used modules15Figure 4. Usefulness of materials16Figure 5. Most useful attributes of materials16Figure 6. Student attitude toward materials17Figure 7. Sources of evidence for assessing student attitude17Figure 8. Mean scores on RCST by county 20List of AppendicesPageA. Survey A-1B. Interview Protocol – TeachersB-1C. Interview Protocol – StudentsC-1D. List of Skills