Liberty University
Introduction to School Counseling
January 2012
Philosophy of Counseling
Educators want to improve the work they do for students, their families, and the community. Whether its instruction, school climate, leadership, family engagement, or any of the other issues schools face on a daily basis, all educators need tools to help them improve their actions and methods. (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2012)
As a counselor in training, I envision my role as a professional school counselor to assist my students, regardless of ethnic and cultural background or diversity of needs, achieve academic, career and personal/social success within the framework as outlined in the ASCA National Model, the ASCA Competencies and ASCA Ethical Standards.
My mission is to create and provide comprehensive school counseling services to all students, which include more specialized programs for …show more content…
While they may not be able to control all of their circumstances, they can learn to manage his or her response. My goal is to make sure my students understand that they matter and that they are worthy and have a choice. I say this because it is human nature not to readily take responsibility and place blame when things don’t go well. While I understand some students may have tumultuous circumstances, I still must try and encourage them to choose a positive path. I believe we become what we believe. My goal is to help students experience a shift in thinking so they can begin to see themselves and their situations differently so that they can begin accept the reality of the current circumstances and try and work beyond those perceived limitations. You experience a change in thought when you begin to know and value yourself and take responsibility for your own