• Although Australia does not have an explicit constitutional right to freedom of speech, there is however an implied right to freedom of political communications. Also Australia has ratified the ICCPR which means we have agreed to uphold …show more content…
• The balance between freedom of expression and protection of other rights can be seen when looking at a number of highly contentious examples in Australian society.
Investigating legal Issues
• Attorney General George Brandis said people do have a right to be bigots. In a free country people do have rights to say things that other people find offensive or insulting or bigoted.
• This comment met much controversy amongst the media as the word bigot was interpreted in several ways. Tony Abbott in support of the comment said, “free speech will be speech which upsets people, which offends people”.
• These statements hold some value, in that they call for the amendment of the RDA, to provide for a wider freedom of speech. However the consequences of such would mean that people, especially racial minorities, will be exposed to discrimination without protection.
• In 2011, conservative media figure Andrew Bolt was found to have broken the law over two articles he wrote in 2009 about light-skinned people who identify as …show more content…
• Amending the Racial Discrimination Act by easing its restrictions on speech in section 18c could pose risks to the stability of our society. Social unrest would fuel racial hatred if it became a ‘norm’ to discriminate on racial basis. This is why current restrictions on speech must remain Introducing freedom of speech explicitly in the constitution would assist in ensuring that the right is protected in the long term. However this would involve a lot of effort requiring the need of a referendum as well as strong public support and consensus on what to include.
• There should be no amendment to Section 18c of the RDA 1975 (Cth) and there is no need to define Freedom of Speech in the constitution. Although Australians don’t have the right to say whatever they want; it is important that these limitations have been set in order to protect all members of our society from being discriminated