Occasions such as these involved many characteristics of general popular recreational activities. Rules were simple and also unwritten mostly because the majority were illiterate and therefore rules were seen as ‘common knowledge’. Furthermore, community events were occasional and would only take place on holy days, which meant that when the time came for a festival or fair, the lower class would grasp the opportunity to have a day of enjoyment and take part in athletics. Athletics in pre-industrial Britain was also local as festivals and fairs tended to take place in villages and small towns whereby neighbours and friends would get together and celebrate. Wagering would also take place, whereby friends would bet on the athlete’s performance in an attempt to make some money.
Pedestrianism was also a key part of pre-industrial athletics. Footmen were employed as messengers or as runners in competitions. The gentry would pay for the footman to train and would then enter them into competitions to make money. Pedestrian races would often attract extremely large audiences and developed spectatorism. In the 1860s the great American Indian Athlete Deerfoot visited England and helped to inspire early amateur athletics. In