Sports In The Elizabethan Era
We all know bowling, with modern technology, but have you ever used a lopsided ball to ‘kiss’ jacks? Maybe even heard of fighting roosters with blades attached to their feet. You can see how strange and unusual the sports they played back then were, but to them it was a popular form of entertainment for all. In this Elizabethan Era is when sports just started to become popular with players, and spectators (Alchin "Elizabethan Sports"). Many of Elizabethan era sports were dangerous and violent, one even watching trained bulldogs kill a bull. Three of the main sport categories were blood, team, and individual sports. These inhumane sports were considered ‘blood sports’ due to the blood and gore (Davis Life in Elizabethan days 2007). The spectators
of these sports were mostly the Royalty. Many of the sports we know and love today came from these Elizabethan popular sports.