director was evolving into a professional position. In 1969, the creation of the National Council of Secondary School Athletic Directors was established. The people in this council were both men and women who were responsible for administering, organizing and directing school sports programs (Schneider and Stier). With the professional establishment of athletic directing in the 1960s, the athletic directors were formally given the responsibility of day-to-day operations of athletic programs throughout the nation. In the 1970s the professional status of a high school athletic director continued to become more of a professional status. By 1976 the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association was established (Schneider and Stier). The NIAAA is vastly known today by all athletic directors because you have to be certified by them to become an athletic director at any level. With sports still expanding today the position of athletic directing is still on the rise.
director was evolving into a professional position. In 1969, the creation of the National Council of Secondary School Athletic Directors was established. The people in this council were both men and women who were responsible for administering, organizing and directing school sports programs (Schneider and Stier). With the professional establishment of athletic directing in the 1960s, the athletic directors were formally given the responsibility of day-to-day operations of athletic programs throughout the nation. In the 1970s the professional status of a high school athletic director continued to become more of a professional status. By 1976 the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association was established (Schneider and Stier). The NIAAA is vastly known today by all athletic directors because you have to be certified by them to become an athletic director at any level. With sports still expanding today the position of athletic directing is still on the rise.