There are six parts of the Elizabethan government, Parliament, the Privy Council, Star Chamber, Court of Chancery, the Exchequer of Pleas and the Court of Requests. "Parliament, the English legislative body, passed several poor laws during Elizabeth's reign (Daily Life)." The Star Chamber dealt with the wealthy, the Court of Chancery judged criminal cases, and the Court of …show more content…
Requests who dealt with the poor (Thomas). The Queen was supposed to be advised by the Privy Council as a whole (Sommerville).
Religion was a big part of the Elizabethan era.
The Elizabethan Government was made up of three parts that decided on religion (Thomas). Queen Elizabeth forced her citizens to go to church (Mahabal). The Renaissance created a great awakening in the church (Collins). The parish was the smallest part of the Elizabethan government and mainly consisted of the church (Sommerville). Toleration was the differentiation of Christian communities (Collins).
Crime and punishment was dealt with harshly in the Elizabethan era. The Queen administered death sentences for high treason. "The most important courts were probably the Great Session (or Assizes), held twice a year in each county, and the Quarter Sessions Court, held four times a year (Thomas)." People were tortured for important information (Mahabal).
The Elizabethan government was a monarchy. Cities and towns had various officials to control matters (Thomas). The prince could do anything within his guidelines. Natural law was morals and natural sins. Personal ruler ship is power in war and enforcing laws. Humanism was the main form of government for hundreds of years in England (Collins). The Nobility and Gentry aided the monarch in ruling parts of Europe …show more content…
The modern US government is a democracy. The current US government is governed by American citizens. The US government uses checks and balances to keep one branch from getting too strong (Vile).
The Executive Branch contains the President and his cabinet and the Vice President. The President controls the state and federal government and the armed forces (The Executive Branch). The President of the United States may pass or veto a bill. "The primary responsibility of the Vice President of the United States is to be ready at a moment's notice to assume the Presidency if the President is unable to perform his duties (The Executive Branch).” The President and Vice President are elected by the Electoral College. The Vice President may vote as a member of the United States Senate in case of a tie. The EOP communicates the President’s message to the American people (The Executive Branch).
The Legislative Branch contains Congress, The House of Representatives and the Senate.
The House of Representatives has many jobs such as electing the President in the case of a tie (The Legislative Branch). "The Senate has the sole power to confirm those of the President's appointments that require consent, and to ratify treaties (The Legislative Branch)." The first step of a bill becoming a law is the introduction to Congress. Congress is the only part of the US government that can make or change laws. For a bill to be passed it must be accepted by the Legislative branch and the president. The House of Representatives can "fire" any elected official (The Legislative
The Judicial Branch controls the courts. The Supreme Court is the last court to see any, one case (The Judicial Branch). Someone accused of a crime who lost in a civil court may appeal to the United States Supreme Court and get a “writ of certiorari.” While the Legislative and Executive branch make the laws the Judicial Branch applies them in court (Vile). The United States Supreme Court is the only court required by the Constitution. "Although the Supreme Court may hear an appeal on any question of law provided it has jurisdiction, it usually does not hold trials (The Judicial Branch)." Even though the Supreme Court can listen to any court case it will most likely not hold a trial.
The government of the Elizabethan era greatly impacted Shakespeare’s work. Shakespeare's historic plays were influenced by the works of Edward Hall and Raphael Hollinshed (William Shakespeare). There are many similarities and differences between the US government today and the Elizabethan Era government. First, the Elizabethan government was a monarchy while the US government is a democracy. Second, the US government has three parts while the Elizabethan government had six parts. Thirdly, punishment in the Elizabethan era was mainly death while today in America criminals are put in jail.