Duck saw relationship breakdown as a process that occurs over time. He believed that a lack of interpersonal skills and lack of stimulation within the relationship causes the individual to get bored and feel that they are no longer progressing in their relationship which can cause strains and dissatisfaction. The first stage is intrapsychic; this is where a person feels under benefited in the relationship. The second stage is dyadic; this is where partners discuss their problems constructively. The third stage is social; this is where the relationship breakdown is made social. The last stage is grave dressing; this is where the reasons behind the breakdown are established.
Lee came up with a similar process; he believed that relationship breakdown can be broken down into 5 processes. The first stage is where a person begins to feel dissatisfied within their relationship. The second stage is where the dissatisfaction felt is made apparent to the individuals’ partner. The third stage is where the couple discuss what is wrong with the relationship. The fourth stage is where the couple attempts to resolve the issues within their relationship and the last stage is if resolution does not occur the couple will separate.
Tashiro and Frazier supported Ducks model, they conducted a study on undergraduate students to test their levels of distress after breakups. They found that after breakups participants also showed signs of personal growth. They believed that breaking up with their partner had given them new insights and help them understand what they wanted for the future, they did this through the grave dressing phase. Although it supports the theory at can be criticized for only using students which means the results would be bias and can’t be generalised to adults as they may not get the same results.
Boekhout also found supporting evidence for Duck’s model which suggests lack of