
Discuss The Events That Led Up To The American Revolution

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Discuss The Events That Led Up To The American Revolution
The American Revolution is one of the most well known revolutions world wide. This might be because there were such a vast amount of issues that caused it. Many of which were world issues. For example, there was the French and Indian War. Then, there were the issues with the British empire. The British imposed multiple taxes and regulations that the American people were told to follow. Needless to say, the American colonist undoubtedly became angered by the British imposing. There were many issues that led to the American Revolution, but none as significant as the French and Indian war, Quartering Act, and taxes. To start with, tensions are high in 1775. This can be seen in a letter Thomas Jefferson writes to William Small on May 5th of 1775. …show more content…
These are believed to be the biggest factors by Kim Daniel. She explains why the American colonists became angry with the new laws. The Proclamation of 1763 was a deal between the American Indians and Great Britain. It said that the American colonists would not move past the Appalachian Mountains. The war between France and Great Britain was brought to the Americas so the colonists could move westward. The American colonists had fought for this right. Great Britain then went and said they were not allowed to anymore. The colonists fought, won and then were not able to claim their bounty. Needless to say, they were unhappy. They were able to accept that though …show more content…
They enacted the Sugar Act. This was a tax imposed on not only sugar but all imports. It started enforcing existing tariffs. In the Act, Great Britain states “Whereas it is expedient that new provisions and regulations should be established for improving the revenue of this kingdom, and for extending and securing the navigation and commerce between Great Britain and your MajestyÂ’s dominions in America, which, by the peace, have been so happily enlarged: and whereas it is just and necessary, that a revenue be raised, in your MajestyÂ’s said dominions in America, for defraying the expences of defending, protecting, and securing the same; we, your MajestyÂ’s most dutiful and loyal subjects, the commons of Great Britain, in parliament assembled, being desirous to make some provision, in this present session of parliament, towards raising the said revenue in America, have resolved to give and grant unto your Majesty the several rates and duties herein after-mentioned; and do most humbly beseech your Majesty that it may be enacted…”( Avalon). Great Britain is telling the colonists that it is their duty to pay their taxes because Great Britain protected the colonists. There were so many protests and boycotts that Great Britain repealed the act but it was by no means they

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