
Revolutionary War Unfair

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Revolutionary War Unfair
During the American Revolutionary era many unfair laws were placed on colonists by the British for the purpose of repaying the debt of the French and Indian wars. Many people were unhappy and would begin to revolt against the British soldiers and government. With all the conflict going on it will eventually cause the Revolutionary war and the separation of the colonies from British rule.
The French and Indian war that lasted 7 years left Britain in debt so they had to find a way to repay the money to cover expenses. King George the lll felt that the colonists should help pay for debt and began to impose taxes such as the stamp act, sugar act, and currency act. But the colonists felt a different way and that they had done their part in helping in the war by providing soldiers. They thought it was unfair that the British could just tax them without their consent. In front of a tax collection building some colonists felt that the soldiers had been collecting taxes and began to riot and throw snow and trash towards the soldiers in anger. The soldiers had felt threatened and would begin to shoot at the colonists killing five and wounding six more. This was known as the Boston Massacre. Afterwards the soldiers were tried in court and only two were punished while the rest were let go. This helped rise the tensions between the
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With pretty much everything having a tax no one would buy any of the British products to boycott the taxes. As the colonists got angrier and angrier they had form the Sons of Liberty, protest groups that formed across the colonies in order to fight the British government's taxation and to protect the colonists rights. The Sons of Liberty were the ones that adopted the phrase “No taxation without representation”. The leader of the Sons of Liberty has been credited to Samuel

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