The aim of this study was to assess the validity, reliability and physiological underpinnings of an actual VO2max test in comparison to a predictive maximal oxygen uptake test.
Eight male subjects with the following physical characteristics, mean and standard deviation age 19.75 ± 0.71 year; weight 72.15 ± 11.93 kg; height 1.77 ± 0.11 m performed an incremental treadmill test (53.24±7.15), starting at 8.km.h-1, increasing by 2.km.h-1 every 3 minutes with a constant increment of 1%. The subject’s heart rate, rating of perceived exhaustion and expired air were collected during the final 60seconds of each 3-minute stage. A multi-stage fitness test (50.17±7.76) was also completed until volitional exhaustion. The subject’s heart rate was taken prior to each test and heart rate and blood lactate were taken post each test. Using a predictive equation (54.14±6.27) the athlete’s VO2max was also calculated.
The conclusion of this investigation showed that the multi-stage fitness test under-predicted VO2max results and the predictive equation over-predicted VO2max results, though the multi-stage fitness test was the more relatively accurate form of measurement despite its disregard of body mass.
Literature review
There is a plethora literature that discusses the validity reliability and physiological foundations of a predictive Vo2 max testing some areas of which still huge amounts of discussion around (Basset and Howley,. 1997).
Vo2 max is the maximal volume of oxygen can be obtained and utilized by the body each minute and is achieved when an athlete participates in an endurance exercise (Quinn,. 2011). It can also be described as Vo2 max is achieved when the work rate is increased, but oxygen consumption (Vo2) does not increase or has reached a plateau (Morcrow et al,. 2000). It is usually expressed in absolute terms as litres of
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