> Oral Component Questions:
> DBA 1.11
> En la nave… ¿Dónde comes? ¿Qué comes?----La cocina (the kitchen) ; papas fritas y ensalada (French fries and salad
> Content: Review Spanish 1 vocabulary and Structures. Clothing (1.4), colors (1.4), family(1.8)….. la camisa(shirt) los tenis (the tennis shoes) las medias (the stockings) los zapatos (shoes) (rojo azul blanco marron morado rosado negro verde) madre(mom) el padre (dad) primo prima(cousin) tia tio (aunt uncle) hija hijo (son daughter )
> DBA 2.09
> Body parts ~arms-brazos , lip-labios (m.), legs-piernas (f.), hand-mano (f.), head-cabeza (f.), ear-oreja (f.), eye ojo (masc.)
> Culture: Video: tell about Mayan girl “Suemi” – ( town, house, school, chores)~ Suemi and her family live in a village called Dzitya in Yucatan. There are a lot of rocks ruins and temples in the village and they have a school. Suemi’s house doesn’t have a bathroom so she gets ready outside. At Suemi’s school, they take sewing classes. Suemi also sews dresses for her sister.
> DBA 3.09
> ¿Cómo ayudaste en casa la semana pasada? ~Me lavé la ropa, tiré a la basura, yo barrí, yo trapeaba y lavé los platos
> ¿Qué hace la criada en el hotel? ~el cocinero criadas, limpio, y lavar la ropa
> DBA 4.09
> I am the operator: you need to tell me that you want to make a long distance call and you will pay with a credit card.
> I am the post master: you need to ask if you can buy an envelope and some stamps. you want to pay cash. Then ask where the mailbox is . ¿Puedo comprar un sobre y algunos sellos? Pero quiero que pagar en efectivo ... ¿Dónde está elbuzón de correo?
> ¿Dónde estuviste ayer? ¿Que hay en el sobre?
> Content: Irregular past (preterit) tense. How to make a phone call, computer
> Vocabulary, writing a letter, and going to the post office. la oficina de correos , escribir una carta
> Culture: Guatemala. Tell about the boy “Cesar” from Guatemala. What was he
> Studying? What was very