I have been reading all your discussion posts, immensely informative indeed. For me, Plagiarism is copying any non-tangible asset (various art forms, text, design, lyrics, concepts etc.) without formally acknowledging the source. It is a paramount concern in the information age, calls for need of stringent laws for protection of intellectual property.
It is a serious issue not only in the academia, but also sports, journalism and entertainment business. It poses serious questions on the potential and principles of a human being, certainly is like a black spot on one’s persona (doesn’t matter if caught or not, for plagiarism). The ultimate goal of any task is to increase the horizon and create value addition. Plagiarism dismantles the whole objective of a job or a project. Masters education builds a platform to launch oneself, in the chosen field, at an intermediate or higher employment levels. In the high-stake entertainment industry, it is a situation where one is accountable to lots of personnel. As a supervisor or teammate, it is one's duty to set up a model and motivate the team or subordinates to practice ethics at workplace. Real world scenario seeks work ethics and professionalism, so academic dishonesty is out of the question.
In my opinion, plagiarizers predominantly come under two categories: by motive and unknowingly. For former, it is a habit and needs continuous self-monitoring. Latter just needs more care with making citations and proofreading while writing a research paper. People who voluntarily practice copying, simply do not value the act of learning. They waste the learning resources gaining nothing but developing poor self-esteem, making negative impact on personal and professional lives. As a student, one always carries the brand (Full Sail University) alongside; such nefarious practices degrade the brand reputation. It not only put a weighty question on the individual, but also on the peers. It further goes on to infect