Passport and visa requirements
General immigration procedures
Once passengers have arrived from their journey to Heathrow airport, they go through immigration and immigration officers will check their passports and visas to make sure that only those who have a right to enter the country do so. The immigration process can be extremely quick if the flight is between two European Union countries. However, non-EU resident enter through a different channel, where they are subjected to more severe checks.
Procedures for Asylum seekers
Asylum seekers fleeing from their country arrive to UK airports with no documents, asking for asylum will be questioned by immigration officers, who will detain them in detention centres until it is decided if they should be allowed to stay in the UK.
Validity requirements for EU passport holders and Visas
Holders of EU passports are able to travel freely within Europe but passengers with other passports may be subjected to various requirements such as passports validity and visas.
Before entering the country, passengers are required to go through customs in UK airports; European Union Countries usually have three customs channels: the green (nothing to declare), the red (goods to declare) and the blue for arrivals from countries within the European Union. Customs officers watch passengers thoroughly and have the right to stop any passenger they consider to be suspicious. They also check if passengers are carrying the legal import limits and remove items which are restricted or banned in the arrival country.
Luggage reclaims
Passenger assistance
Heathrow airport Customer Service Hosts at the information desks are more than happy to help passengers with queries and general enquiries including transfers and directions to baggage reclaim.
Lost and damaged luggage procedures
At Gatwick airport, if any passenger’s luggage is lost or damaged they must first