When comparing the modern day movie Hercules with the traditional story of Heracles, many changes have been made, and many details have been left out. One example is his reasoning for completing the 12 labors he is given. In our Disney version, he completes these labors in order to prove himself worthy of becoming immortal, so he can become a real God, like his father Zeus. However, he traditionally completed these tasks is to be forgiven for his sin, which was the brutal murder of his wife and children. Although interesting, our modern day society would find it more heroic for a man to accomplish these tasks in order to prove himself worthy, rather than to make up for murdering his own family. Considering Disney is intended for younger audiences, the movie not only simplifies certain story elements, but also changes the actual depiction of the other characters revolved around Hercules. The movie also upgrades his personality into a more intelligent, loving character than he really was. People don’t want to see an unintelligent hero save their city; they want a smart, genuine man to save their …show more content…
The movie leaves out a few important characters that were told in Perseus’s original myth. Originally, Perseus set out on his quest for Medusa’s head in order to save his mother Danae from King Polydectes. In the movie however, they replace the importance of his mother with his lover Io, who he must save from the sea monster, the Kraken. Film makers know the importance of a love story in today’s movies, which is probably why they make this change. Also, the movie is given an obvious villain, which is where Hades is brought into it. With him being the easily identifiable evil character, that leaves no room for confusion. Perseus’s character is only given minor changes from the original myth to the movie, still portraying him as a brave and compassionate