The lesson on the need of expressing all of the human emotions is evident when Riley was going to her new school for the first time. Sadness was uncontrollably attracted to touch the core memories. Sadness had the intention of keeping Riley happy, but she finds it so hard to be positive. She was hardly ever used because Joy want Riley to be happy forever, and never want Riley to feel sad, even when she needs to be sad. Throughout the play, especially in the first half of the movie, Joy treats Sadness badly. On Riley’s first day of school, Joy wanted to …show more content…
While Riley’s emotions were grappling for control of Riley’s feelings, her mother’s emotions were more sure and controlled when face with situations. The mother’s emotions were more cooperative, and they allowed each other to express at the right time. One example is when the father was oblivious to Riley’s problem, her mother exhibit anger in a controlled manner and then disgust, and joyous when it was partially resolved. Therefore, it is important for each of us to express our emotions, but they must be expressed in the right degree and in the right moment for a stable and harmonious