When preparing to work on a display in our school there are outlines which must be followed to ensure the safety and quality of the display. The display must pose no possible risk to the health and safety of the children, this means there should be no pins sticking out of the wall and no protruding sharp objects. There are set areas in the corridors and hall for each class to work, it is important to check which area has been allocated to your class before working on a display. All displays must be backed in coloured paper and have a clear heading or title. All items of paper should be laminated before putting on the display as this will prevent them from being damaged and help the display to last as long as possible. Items should be fixed to the display by using a wall stapler or adhesive Velcro strips. Pieces of work by the children may need to be photocopied first as the originals could be needed by the class teachers. All pupils should have an item of work on display as this promotes confidence in their own learning. When using photographs of children, it is important to check that the parents of every child have granted permission for photographic images of child to be taken and used. This information is kept in the school office. The display should be inspected regularly to maintain standards and repair any damaged areas. This is an important health and safety aspect as an item which has fallen from the display could become a hazard. When the display is dismantled any appropriate material should be recycled.
Listed below are some of the different purposes a display can be used for; To offer important information to pupils, staff and parents
This could be about the behaviour expected of children, safety notices or to outline school policies.
• To help improve the environment
display detailing the need to recycle and turn taps off properly can be useful to children and help them to understand that their actions