
Distinctively Visual Analysis

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Distinctively visual

Using your prescribed text and a text of your own choosing explain how text present distinctively visual images and how these images shape meaning in the texts

The text of my own choosing is “The Coral See” which conveys many distinctive experiences typical of the Great Barrier Reef. This visual uses a variety of techniques to visually represent the connection humankind has with nature and the serenity of nature. A text relating to “The Coral See” is Henry Lawson’s “In a Dry Season”, where many distinctive experiences of the Australian bush are conveyed. Similar to “The Coral See” Lawson’s “In a Dry Season” has many techniques which help to visually portray the distinctive experiences in the story such as the hardships
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Firstly the positioning of the couple in the visual is one technique which shows the connection mankind has with nature, by highlighting the people’s importance in the text through positioning we are able to see how people work with nature to ensure its preservation as well as enjoying the beauty of nature as well. The use of background is also a key technique in the text to show the connection between mankind and nature. For example, in the image, the land in the background is undeveloped which allows the reader to attribute this to the will of mankind to preserve the reef and in doing so allowing mankind to be rewarded with the benefits of the reef. Therefore we are able to establish that the background is a key technique which shows the connection between mankind and nature. Another technique which emphasises the strong connection is the use of salient imagery. In the text the salient image is the people, and the use of this image represents the power mankind has over nature, but also shows that mankind isn’t willing to demonstrate their power because they don’t want to damage the reef and the ecosystem around it. Therefore through the use of the salient image the connection between mankind and nature is further highlighted. From the techniques in “The Coral See” it’s evident how the distinctive experiences of the connection between nature and mankind …show more content…

One technique used to emphasise the serenity of nature in the visual is the use of colour and its connotations. The colour blue is predominantly used in this visual to convey through its connotations how the visual conveys its peacefulness and beauty, which ultimately allows the reader to establish the distinctive experience of the serenity of nature. Another technique is the use of vectors in portraying the serenity of nature through the ocean. There are many different vectors in the image but the main vector is created by the coral which spreads diagonally across the image, this draws your attention away from where the waves are breaking and focuses on the still water to further emphasise the serenity of the ocean. Finally the use of contrast between the land and water and how they work together in harmony further emphasises the serenity of nature in this image. Therefore from these techniques we are able to establish how the distinct experience of the serenity of nature is

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