Article topic: “A Study on the Distribution Process of Berger Paint Bangladesh Limited.”
Rationale for Selecting the Report
Distribution is the bridge between organization and customer. It is also a function that deals operation as well as selling. So study of distribution related activities of any organization that has broad base customer is very important for that organization. Distribution and its associated customer service play a big part in relationship marketing. . It has played a pivotal role in improving operational efficiencies and creating agile procurement, production and delivery systems. Very realistic problems and questions can be arisen from the study which is related to the future career illumination. Therefore a study of distribution process will allow one to gather knowledge which is critical in running an organization efficiently. That is the main reason behind choosing this topic.
Chapter: 01Introduction
1.1 Profile of the Organization
Berger Paints is one of the oldest names in the paint industry, yet, it is one of the most technologically advanced companies in the country. It is constantly striving for innovating superior quality products and services. With more than 230 years of rich heritage, Berger manufactures world class paints for all kinds of substrates and also provides unparallel services. Berger‟s inception was laid out in 1760 by a German national named Louis Berger, who started dye and pigment making business in England. Louis involved his family into the business and eventually changed the status of the company to Louis Berger & Sons Limited. The company grew and expanded rapidly with a strong reputation for excellence in innovation and entrepreneurship. In the initial years, Louis successfully refined the process of manufacturing Prussian blue, a deep blue dye. This dye was widely used for the uniforms of many European armies of that time. Production of dyes and pigments evolved into
References: 1. Chopra, Sunil, “Designing the Distribution Network in a Supply Chain”, School of Management, Northwestern University, Edition-2001 Page no.23-28. 2. Chopra, Sunil and Peter Meindl. “Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, Operation”. Prentice Hall, New Jersey. Edition-2001 Page no.27. 3. Resourees. Accessed on 12 Novemberb2011. 4. on 12 November 2011. 22