Alex Pineda
Southwestern Assemblies of God University
At Bat 1. In this scenario those that are affected are the Muslim employees that are under the management of Hindus. Not only are the Muslim employees are affected but so is Javier because he cannot work without seeing the glass ceiling when it came to promotions and seeing how they are blaming the Muslims for drop of earnings. 2. The likely consequence if Javier doesn’t say anything is probably that the Hindu management will probably attempt to fire the Muslim employees in order to cover their hide. They would probably replace these Muslim employees with Hindu employers. 3. Maybe there might be rights but then again it is an Indian Software company in India and they might not treat these situations the same in other countries. If Javier speaks up and says something then his job could be at stake. 4. The principles that are involved are prejudice, racism and maybe religious aspects that may be involved. Based on their ethnicity the Muslims are not provided with the ability to be promoted. 5. The implications on behalf of Javier are that he will probably say something on behalf of what he has seen so far. They haven’t treated him wrongly because of his ethnicity but he has built close friendship with his Muslim friend al-Arabi.
To Act or Not to Act? 1. In reality no one is really affected if the upper level managers of color are not offended or concerned by the location. If they do become offended then the ones who would be affected would be them. 2. The likely consequences is possibly talking with the CEO and changing the location of the retreat just to avoid offending anyone. 3. Only of they are offended do they have a right to protest and ask to have the location removed especially if they acknowledge the importance of the place as a cotton plantation owned by a slave owner. Then again they shouldn’t be