2.1 Promote equality, diversity and inclusion in policy and practice
It is your role and responsibility to ensure that all staff promote equality, diversity and inclusion, whether dealing with service users directly or indirectly. This can be done in the following ways:
Dignity and respect – respect individual’s need for privacy and dignity in the way that service is provided and the way that information is handled. Treat service users with tolerance and have a non-judgemental attitude
Information and Communication – providing information in different formats for example large print, Braille, video, tape, total communication, other languages, providing an interpreter.
Value the contribution - that each individual can make. Create a productive environment in which everybody feels valued, their talents are fully utilised and services meet the requirements of diverse service users.
Embrace difference as a way of attracting and retaining staff and improving customer satisfaction. Provide relevant and appropriate access for the participation, development and advancement of all individuals and groups.
Remove physical barriers - overcome physical features by removing them, altering them, avoiding them or providing access to work or service by an alternative method.
Stereotypes, assumptions and bias – avoid using negative or offensive language and images which convey stereotypes. Avoid making assumptions about people’s ability to do things or not do things, their attitudes and their persona; circumstances. Don’t assume that you understand their needs and requirements. Don’t allow bias to affect decisions you make about recruitment, training, policies or procedures.
Tailor services to needs - Provide auxiliary aids such as an induction loop, prayer room.
It is important that staff attend relevant training meetings and supervision so they are aware of their role and accountability with