Vivian Matthews
Dr. Calvin Moore
Diversity in K-12 Education
August 18, 2013
Instructional Content and Implications
There is an atmosphere of diversification and multiculturalism. The trend is to satisfy the diversity thirsts of the system. The thrust is not to satisfy the crowds, but noted as a mandate that became a “must” to satisfy the standards-core curriculum. Diversity not only encompassed gender, and sexual orientation, but psychological natures that were ingrained in individuals, Therefore, the direction of a multicultural classroom had a need to diversify the standard curriculum which in itself was meant to provide an equal access to the …show more content…
American dream of financial and educational success. The learning goal was improvised to meet national standards. The goal, however, could only be met by exceeding the basics required, in other words, diversification. The following pieces of knowledge are directed towards the engendering and production of a diverse classroom,including comprehensive integration strategies, methods to integrate social concepts and finally, assessments for determining evidence of success. Because most students are required to become computer literate, the ability to access resources for study are readily accessible . Students have the opportunity to research just about any question that requires an answer. Thus, materials using multicultural and diversity themes are readily available. Diversity Council. org lists an array of materials that may clarify and inculcate a true understanding of living in a diversified world.(Diversity Lesson Plans for Elementary School , 2013). An understanding that it is also the responsibility of the instructors to bridge the gaps within the classroom, one must acknowledge the absolute importance of implementing socialization issues within the diverse individuals in the class. If socialization is to occur with success, then the instructor is to monitor the atmosphere for signs of animosity or discomfort which should immediately be alleviated through empowering individuals with the true nature at hand. It would be dishonest to think that all groups will accept each other. The goal ,then, would be to create tolerance and respect for people in general. Because it always begins with the leader of the class, the following are suggestions for handling diversity in the classroom:(Stanley Washington, How to handle Diversity in the Classroom, August,5, 2013) 1. Try to become neutral towards groups. This may be difficult considering that all people carry certain biases. 2. Each child should be considered unique and not “Hispanic”or “Asian” or “Black”. 3.Students should be able tell about their cultural experiences. 4.Become educated about terms that may not be genuinely respectful. One may think it is appropriate, but studying may reveal its true demeaning nature. 5.Permit students to discuss how the class is diversified and how this relates to what is happening in the real world. Instructors may discover that students are really accepting of each other as human beings. When students are accepting of each other, there may be less tension and even physical fights may not be evident. As the issues of acceptance and tolerance become evident in the class, academic learning should proceed in a more comforting way. The discussions and cooperative groups should provide assurance that people are not being selective based on race but more so on character and integrity. The quality of work produced and understanding of concepts proven by assessments, oral or written should assure the instructor that the elements of a multicultural class are working as planned. Peer assessments should also signal red flags when there are miscommunications within the class. It is then advised that the instructor assess the plan and correct those remedies that failed. Just as classroom successes generate funds for successive programs one may want to use the criteria used for funds given curriculum development which rely on these criteria:(Curricular Development Challenge Fund, August 13, 2013). 1. Are the projects given to the students innovative or creative? 2.Does the project have the potential for making a significant impact on the individuals or the school? Is this a project that can be implemented for the future and with a different set of students? 3. Will these projects influence other classes whether they have the same or different issues? 4.Does the instructor have the expertise to carry out the proposed plan? 5.Does the project make use of valuable people of different races and/or socio-economic statuses? 6.What are the budget needs to carry out these projects? Perhaps, the students can come up with a viable plan for accessing resources.7. If outsiders were to observe these students in action, would the activities prove to be enlightening or offensive. 8.Is it possible that someone in a higher financial position might want to encourage these activities by being financially supportive? 9.Finally, are the activities connected with the global education initiatives. When the selected lesson has been thoroughly planned and researched, strategies should be developed to eliminate the seven forms of gender bias.(Some Practical Ideas for Confronting Curricular Bias, August 13, 2013)1.Invisibility Both genders should be equally displayed in the lesson. Students should be given the freedom to select books that exemplify both sexes. 2.Stereotyping Women and men should be given their respective praise based on character and integrity not solely on gender. Children should understand that boys can and should cry. Women are not the only beings who are permitted to cry in public. Strength is shown in other ways besides physical fighting and beating. Men can also be care givers. In the story to be explained “Crow Boy ' the small child, Chibi , was not aggressive but was talented in other ways. All of the children cried at the end of the story regardless of gender. 3. Imbalance and Selective Students should understand that women as well a men have become famous authors, inventors, or politicians. They should also understand that teaching is not just a job for women. Men are needed as strong male role models. Chibi 's teacher was male and very empathetic. 4.Unreality:Rose Colored Glasses “By ignoring prejudice, racism, discrimination, exploitation, oppression, sexism, and inter-group conflict , we deny students the information they need to recognize, understand and perhaps conquer societal problems”.(Some Practical Ideas for Confronting Curricular Bias, August 11, 2013) “The Crow Boy”exemplifies all of these negative feelings people have a tendency to carry within themselves. 5. Fragmentation and Isolation In this spirit of behaving the genders are isolated A specific mention is made that then returns to the normal flow of the text. Students should be able to research how communities were built with the strengths of men and women. Note that in the “Çrow Boy” 'Chibi ' lived in a far part of the rural community and always returned safely home. 6.Cosmetic bias The cover of 'The Crow Boy”is simple and does not pretend to favor neither gender. 7.Linguistic bias Blatant and subtle forms of word usage can cause certain groups to be portrayed in a more favorable light. No where in the book “The Crow Boy”was demeaning language used. To further the extension of eliminating gender biases have students detect these biases on television programs, magazines,or even the way teachers are taught to teach(pedagogy). It would be interesting to listen to these discussions and take note of who is being impacted by these forms of bombardments. Let the females find samples of how even men can be abused. Chibi was being bullied although it was not explicitly stated. Ask students how they would have handled the situation playing the roles of different characters in the story. Emphasize how 'multicultural moments”can be a form of patronizing people. What multicultural moments have they experienced and how can this be rectified? Social class has implications on schooling as evidenced by research as well as depicted in the story of “The Crow Boy”. Low SES affects education, poverty, health , and eventually affects society as well as evident in unemployment, homelessness, prisons, mental institutions,and drug abuse,(Education and Socioeconomic Status, August 11, 2013) Stress and low literacy homes affect academic achievement. With low academic achievement drop-out rates increase further perpetuating the socioeconomic status of the family. Usually schools in poorer communities lack the resources to help the students who need the most help academically and psychologically. The solutions appear to be in increasing the quality of teachers in poor communities, enriching the literacy environment, involving parents, and just building a learning community. The people in the story “Crow Boy”came together in the end when they came to an understanding of Çhibi 's family. From a psychological point of view low SES could contribute to learning disabilities and behavior problems. It is quite evident in the “Crow Boy”that Chibi was obviously in need of psychological help. At this point one realizes that being in a rural school indicated the lack of resources as a counselor or psychologist. His teacher had to serve as both. Have students discuss this lack and what might have detected the help that Chibi obviously needed. A unït on “Crow Boy”is a sensitive approach to teaching children about diversity and multicultural issues. It is a story written by Taro Yashima who teaches major issues in life by using very simple terms. Many students might be familiar with Japan involving World War II . However, each child may research their own country and tell how it is related to Japan. They may then compare the culture with their own including dress, food, schools, and professions. How did the United States mend fences with a country that was bombed at Hiroshima? Are the students then able to interact with each other similarly? “Crow Boy” exemplifies a cry to recognize talents that may not obviously be recognized. The literature is quite simple, but this simple tale may be taken a step further by adapting it to a multicultural classroom. Chibi, a character in the story could represent any one student in the classroom. He is quiet because he has been brought up in the countryside. What the children don 't know is that Chibi has remarkable talents that don 't exhibit themselves until the teacher takes an interest and discovers that Chibi knows the art of Japanese writing and the cries of crows. What is even more remarkable is how Chibi learned these things by being in the type of environment he grew up in. The children learn the truth about Chibi, someone they had taunted all these years, at the graduation ceremonies. To think that though Chibi had to walk to school for many miles, he did not miss a single day of school. His character and integrity proved to be worthy of recognition. All kinds of oral discussions about love, hate, and judging could be generated from this tale. All students could write about their identifying with Chibi. After assigning the book as a reading which involves an integrative curriculum,each student could then be assigned to bringing a book similar to the “Çrow Boy”. Each student will write an analysis of the tale and compare it to their own book. Japanese writing will be compared to their own country 's writing. The history of Japan will be discussed and compared to their own country. In math Chibi had to count so students can use estimations of rice to strengthen their estimation and counting skills. Have students research how math is taught in their country. In science have children research crows and then extend the lesson by researching birds existing in their country. The unit on “Crow Boy” has been created by Casey Kelly for further implementation.(Crow Boy Unit Study prepared by Casey Kelly) From one simple book the students are able to explore different attitudes regarding human nature. It is human nature to be leery of differences. The world likes to be comfortable with the status quo. Society appreciates change when it benefits, but when the world has limited resources and the race involves diversity, then the decision to allow participation is a tough decision. However, educators have a challenge to resolve. They are held responsible for diversifying for the success of their job depends on it. Whatever biases they may have will either be submerged within the psych or interfere with the challenges that each student brings to class. In the end it is hoped that the student outwits his obstacles. The wise child may discover that his job was easier with input from his companions who weren 't aware of their contributions. References
Applying SLA Research and Theory To Practice:What Can a Teacher Do? (n.d.). Applying SLA Research and Theory To Practice:What Can a Teacher Do? Retrieved from
Banks, J. A., & Banks, C. A. (n.d.). Multicultural education issues and perspectives.
BICS and CALP by Jim Cummings – Univeristy of Toronto | Formação do Educador BilÃngue. (n.d.). Formação Do Educador BilÃngue. Retrieved from
Bixler, C. (2013, August 13). Factors that affect the curriculum design process.
Crow Boy. (n.d.). Goodreads. Retrieved from
Curricular development challenge fund [Web log post]. (n.d.).
Diversity Lesson Plans. (n.d.). Diversity Council: Diversity Activities for Elementary School. Retrieved from
Fredrick, H. (2011, October 02). Teaching Strategies for Bilingual Students | eHow. EHow. Retrieved from
Gender based education. (2006, May).
Gender Differences. (n.d.). Special Edition -. Retrieved August 1, 2013, from
Greater Good.
(n.d.). The Perils of Colorblindness. Retrieved from
IIMS 1994: McGuire and Gleason - using multimedia to reduce gender bias in educational materials. (n.d.). IIMS 1994: McGuire and Gleason - Using Multimedia to Reduce Gender Bias in Educational Materials. Retrieved from
The impact of multiculturalism versus color-blindness on racial bias [An article from: Journal of Experimental Social Psychology] [HTML] [Digital]. (n.d.). The Impact of Multiculturalism versus Color-blindness on Racial Bias [An Article From: Journal of Experimental Social Psychology]: J.A. Richeson, R.J. Nussbaum: Books. Retrieved from
Kelley, C. (n.d.). Crow Boy Free Unit Study. Crow Boy Free Unit Study. Retrieved August 13, 2013, from
Multicultural Read Aloud Lesson Idea Needed for Potential Job - ProTeacher Community. (n.d.). Multicultural Read Aloud Lesson Idea Needed for Potential Job - ProTeacher Community. Retrieved from
NewsNovember 25, 2002. (n.d.). Join PBS 's ARTHUR® on a Communication Adventure / NCAM. Retrieved from
Sax, L. (n.d.). Why Gender Matters. Why Gender Matters. Retrieved August 13, 2013, from
Seven Forms of Bias in Instructional Materials. (n.d.). Seven Forms of Bias in Instructional Materials. Retrieved from
Six key strategies for teachers of English language learners. (n.d.).
Socioeconomic status. (n.d.). Socioeconomic Status. Retrieved from
Washington, S. (2011, April 05). How to Handle Diversity in the Classroom | eHow. EHow. Retrieved from
Other Resources
Library List (other books set in Japan)
Basho and the Fox Tim Meyers
Yoko by Rosemary Wells
How My Parents Learned to Eat by Ina R. Friedman
Grass Sandals by Dawnine Spivak
Grandfather 's Journey by Allen Say
A pair of Red Clogs by Masako Matsuno
Taro and the Tofu by Masako Matsuno
Little Oh by Laura Krauss Milmed