BUS 610: Organizational Behavior
May 24, 2011
Diversity is the state of being different or having variety. Diversity is more than having individuals who represent different ethical backgrounds. Diversity is also comprised of having a variety of individuals who represent differences in ages, race, physical abilities and even gender. Being diverse is an essential part of operating a business. Employers have the ability to solicit creative ideas and implement them into successful business solutions when they have a diverse pool of people to receive feedback from. The workforce today has a wide range of diversity qualities. Within the workplace everyone has to communicate with one another. Communicating in a diverse workplace is essential for a business to operate successfully today. Managers are seeking individuals who are team players, exemplifies, good communication skills, and good interpersonal skills. Ribbink suggest, “Learning how the source culture receives information, training international employees early and often, and training the non-foreign born are some ways to ensure that communication is effective when there is a cultural difference” (2003). There are many other ways to maintain a diverse workforce and communicate effectively. Though, training employees to understand another person’s cultural differences may be costly it seems as if the benefits of understanding one another’s differences will outweigh the costs. The face of the workforce is changing everyday so communicating effectively is a priority in business.
Diversity represents the multitude of individual differences and similarities that exist among people (Kinicki, 2010, p. 97). Diversity climate can be defined as employee’s attitudes and perceptions toward people from cultural groups other than their own. Such attitudes are manifested in the practices and behaviors of individuals in organizations. In order to minimize problems within an
References: Kinicki, A., & Kreitner, R. (2009). Organizational behavior: Key concepts, skills & best practices.(customized 4th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin. ISBN: 9780073381411 O’Rourke, J. (2010). Management communications (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice hall. ISBN: 978-0-13-607979-8 Ribbink, Kim (2003). Seven Way to Better Communicate in Today’s Diverse Workplace. Retrieved from http://hbswk.hbs.edu/archive/3266.html