(Day Chocolate Company)
Analysis of a fair brand
Course: International Marketing
Tutor: Laura van de Stroet
Date: 1st March 2013
Divine Chocolate – A Strong Brand
The Divine Chocolate Limited has established a strong brand name since their foundation 14 years ago. Between 1999 and 2012 sales of Divine Chocolate have increased significantly. What is it that has given the Divine Chocolate brand the power that it has today and what do they better than their competitors? What could the company do better and where is its limit? . In the following part we want to answer these questions by conducting a SWOT- analysis. Thus, we will explain the competitive advantages of Divine Limited, expose their strengths and weaknesses and reveal the importance of customer equity. In addition to that we want to give a forecast about opportunities and chances as well as possible threats.
The difference that sets Divine Chocolate apart from its mainstream competitors is the fact that they offer fairly traded products. By relying on a “clean” supply chainNext to that another strength is the production of high quality chocolate by using only the best ingredients. Their products are made to fit the consumers taste in the UK market. Divine Chocolate offers over 40 different products and keeps on adding new product lines continuously.(http://www.divinechocolate.com/newsid/138/gold-award-at-the-grocer-own-label-food-drink.aspx)
Furthermore, the company has developed a wide network with retailers all over the UK. Their products are available in all big supermarkets throughout the UK.
Competitive Advantage:
In order to elaborate on the term competitive advantage, we first want to clarify its meaning. In contrast to the regular strengths of a company, a “competitive advantage is an advantage that a firm has over its competitors, allowing it to generate greater sales or margins and/or retain more