Analysis on DNA based Cryptography to Secure Data Transmission
Dept. of CSE Pondicherry University Pondicherry, India
Dr.M.S.Saleem Basha
Asst Professor, Dept. of CSE Pondicherry University Pondicherry, India
Professor, Dept. of CSE Pondicherry University Pondicherry, India
The biological research in the field of information technology paves the exploitation of storing capabilities, parallelism and also in conservative cryptography which enhances the security features for data transmission. DNA is the gene information which encodes information of all living beings. Though the DNA computing has its application in the field of huge information storage, massive parallel processing, low energy consumption which have been proposed and proved by the researchers and soon the molecular computer can replace the existing silicon computer and it exploits the world smallest computer. The combination of DNA molecules can be interpreted as a result to give a solution to a specific problem. The DNA strands can be replicated 500 times per second with greater accuracy. It can also be used in the field of cryptography based upon the vast parallelism which is used to break the existing cryptographic approach. This paper analysis an existing approach to the DNA computing method and DNA based cryptographic approach which provides the clear idea and limitations of existing research works.
DNA, DNA Computing, DNA Cryptography
In the year 1994, Adleman[1] sets the step for the biocomputing research which introduced the idea of DNA to solve the complex mathematical problem and also he concluded that DNA has computational latent. He got this idea from the book “Molecular biology of the gene” which was written by James Watson who discovered the structure of DNA in 1953. His idea is to solve the unsolvable problems
References: [1] Leonard M. Adleman “Molecular Computation of solution to combinatorial problems” Science, New Series, Vol. 266, No. 5187. pp. 1021-1024 Nov. 11, 1994 [2] R. J. Lipton,” Using DNA to Solve NP-Complete problems," Science, vol. 268, pp. 542 545, 1995 [3] J. D. Watson, F. H. C. Crick, “A structure for de oxy ribose nucleic acid”, Nature, vol. 25, pp. 737-738, 1953 [4] Taylor Clelland, “Hiding messages in DNA Microdots”. Nature Magazine vol.399,June 1999 [5] D. Boneh, “Breaking DES using Molecular computer”, American Mathematical Society, pp 37-65, 1995 [6] Guangzhou Cui “An Encryption scheme using DNA Technology”,IEEE pg 37-42 ,2008 [7] A. Gehani, T. LaBean, and J. Reif, “DNA-Based Cryptography”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer. 2004. [8] Zhihua Chen. “Efficient DNA Sticker Algorithm for DES” pg 15-22.IEEE 2008. 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If the Hamiltonian path problem is improved to 50 or more cities, then it would require an excess of DNA molecules in tons.DNA has its parallel processing capabilities which allow the DNA based computer to solve hard computational problems in a reasonable amount of time. Lipton [2] solved the error which occurred in the Adleman experiment by reducing the usage of DNA molecules .Lipton’s SAT method needs a least amount of DNA molecules with the use of more than 70 variables. If it is increased to more than 100 variables, the requirement of DNA molecules will be increased to millions of kilograms. In biological systems, this facility for error correction means that the error rate can be quite low. For example, in DNA replication, there is one error for every 109 copied bases or in other words an error rate of 10-9 with the assumption of 1 base per square nanometer. Comparing to the 7 GB hard drive to a one base per square nanometer, it is 100,000 times smaller.Clelland (1999) have demonstrated an steganography approach by hiding secret messages encoded as DNA strands among a multitude of random DNA. He used substitution cipher for encoding a plaintext where a unique base triplet is assigned to each letter t, each numeral and some special characters. One time cryptography with DNA strands is the practical implementation of DNA cryptography .It is quiet hectic because of the computational constraints. The amount of information collected on the molecular biology of DNA over the last 40 years is almost over powering to extent. The data density of DNA is like stirring a string of binary data with 1s and 0s by exploiting the massive parallelism and huge storing capabilities. The DES cryptographic Protocol can be broken. Gehani [7] proposed one time pad which is much secure so that we cannot identify the random secret key. To identify the secret key, biochemical process such as transcription, PCR and translation are not required. G.C [6] Even Though the encryption scheme provides a double layer security it is entirely different from the original scheme. Even though the above DNA cryptography proves a promising future for securing data. It has to be checked with more test cases and implementation. The data which is encrypted may be secure .A single imperfection on the design of encryption scheme can allow successful attacks. 6. CONCLUSION DNA cryptography is encrypting or hiding a data in terms of DNA sequences. This can be done using several DNA technologies with the biochemical methods. Traditionally the DNA cryptography is implemented using biological tools. This DNA cryptographic method can also be interpreted with other schemes in order to apply this technology in various fields. The performance of DNA cryptography can be tested in order to prove the efficiency of an algorithm. 20