Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is vastly known to interrupt learning for 10% - 15% of students. As if having problems paying attention and concentrating isn’t enough, ADHD patients tend to be moving constantly and triggers their impulsiveness. Adults, with this disorder are known to have chronicle lateness, procrastination masters, anger management …show more content…
Especially for those who are tempted on thinking that ADHD is unreal. Since the topic is in Child Minds, any parent would most likely search the internet for symptoms their son/daughter might be experiencing, then realize that their child might have ADHD, which makes them wonder, “Is that a thing?” The author writes down facts and triggers our emotions in order for him to convince us of his idea. Expressing his knowledge, along with his PHD, will most likely make people agree with him. Readers will often disagree with each other, since they have the ADHD being fake concept that they can’t get over with. The issue is that people with no experience discard the idea of ADHD being a disorder. It is hard for a parent to have their son/daughter, seen as a “druggie” for taking medications to treat the disorder or the chemically unbalanced part of the frontal lobe in the