English 321
October 4, 2014
A debate has risen over the past ten years, questioning the fact of doctors over diagnosing ADHD medication to children and adults. Attention deficit disorder is a range of behavioral disorders occurring in children and adults, including such symptoms as poor concentration, hyperactivity, and impulsivity to say the least. There has been an alarming increase of diagnosis and treatment for attention deficit disorder, this has people writing articles and performing studies to show the pro and cons that both support and oppose the increase of diagnosis.
Attention deficit disorder is most commonly found in adolescence. According to (Dopheide, 2014) “Most cases of ADHD are first realized during ages 6 to 9 years, with the child having difficulty academically and/or socially in school and at home”. The symptoms are very specific and need to be present for at least 6 months in both a home life and school setting; these are commonly identified as “Inattention, often fails to give close attention to details or make careless mistakes in schoolwork or other activities. Hyperactivity and impulsivity, often fidgets with hands or feet. Often leaves seat when told to remain seated.” (Pliszka, 2014).
There have been multiple studies showing both good and bad side effects of the prescribing of ADHD medications. The first study I came across was done from April 2009 through March 2011. The study was conducted to figure out the differential diagnoses among children who display symptoms of attention deficit disorder and their outcomes. “Resulting, 91 of the 583 children selected were considered as possibly having ADHD; we were able to conduct follow-ups with 83 of the 91 children. Follow-up results showed that 34 children remained eligible for a diagnosis of ADHD”( Nomura, 2013). This study illustrates a good example of how easy it is to not diagnose ADHD properly. On the opposite side of the spectrum there was a study done that