1. 1.1. The different styles of documents that could be used are spreadsheets, data sheets, slide shows, letters, fax documents and memos. The documents could be printed or they could be electronic format.
1.2. When you create a document and store it onto your computed you can save it as different formats e.g. plain text (.txt) Microsoft word (.doc). PDF is another format that can be used but is not editable but you are able to change the formats from PDF to Microsoft word when saving.
1.3. The documents I produce reflect the company itself so if I produce low quality documents with mistakes it doesn’t give the company a professional image. A good quality document gives the customer a professional feel for the company and makes it easy to read, this also attracts the customers to the product. If the document is high quality it makes the documents easy to follow for the customer which gives them less work to do.
2. 2.1. To produce high quality documents there is many ways to do so. A high quality printer is a must for quality print outs, also a high quality photocopier so you get a neat clear print. A scanner is also very useful so you scan documents to their original form. To make the documents look good quality you can add pictures to the document to give it a friendly look e.g. adding your company logo. You should also use a simple layout for a near look using a font size that everyone will be able to read.
2.2. Different resources to produce documents could be the internet, spreadsheets, PowerPoint, Photoshop.
2.3. Different types of technology available for inputting, formatting and editing text could be – A Computer (monitor, keyboard and mouse) or laptop. Printer or scanner and also word processing software.
A normal way of adding text into a computer is through a keyboard that usually comes with the computer itself. All keyboards are laid out in near enough the same format. You press