The part-time job has become popular among university students. I am the one who wants to find the part-time job during this summer vacation and make some money. I think spending all my time on the computer, television or hanging out with friends, is so worthless. I want to gain new experience. So I tried to find a part-time job. Fortunately, I got the job and I thought it was very perfect time to do something useful in my teenage life, like a part-time job.
During the last summer vacation, I had a three months break, so I thought it was boring to stay home for all three months. My friends and I had decided to do a part-time job. As I am a teenage, I still want to buy a lot of things such as new bags, new shoes and to take my parents to go for dinner and I will pay for them. This is all I thought about and one way to earn the money to pay for those things is to get a part-time job. Then, I started to get a job by sending my resume to the website advertised for job vacancies and I had waited for the answers for a few days. Fortunately, many companies called me and offered me different jobs. Finally, I chose Mudpie Company, and it was a very nice choice.
Mudpie Company has been a trusted trend forecasting and it is really suited me because I am a girl and I love fashion and the company would have an exhibition at Impact Arena named 'Biff and Bil 2013'. My job was to recommend the trend forecasting website name ''. I truly, was very nervous when I tried to learn this website, because it is all in English and it not only about trends on runway or accessory but also about the business, retail and trade fairs. After I had searched the website and learned about this job, I almost quit the job because I thought it was beyond my potential, I had no ideas about fashion but I like it. No matter how hard it was, I have to try first I told myself not to give up.
Then the first day had come. At my stand, there are two big Mac Books on the