The doughnut chart in Figure 5.1 represents that most teachers score high levels of effective CT use: 83 percent of the total have very high levels of confidence with CT use, less than one percent of the teachers earn low scores while a 16 percent are in the middle still having a high levels of confidence with CT use.
CT has more potential than whiteboards and facilitates flexible and innovative uses of technology that involve creation and collaboration. After all, CT is easy to adapt and to use for student-centered activities that depart from the traditional models of the teacher-centered lessons using whiteboards. Teachers comprehend the potential for CT to help students construct …show more content…
Does CT help adapt students’ personal learning styles? Moderately agree.
21. Does CT motivate students to get more involved in learning activities? Strongly agree.
22. Does CT limit your choices of instructional materials? Moderately disagree.
23. Does CT require software skills training that is too time-consuming? Moderately disagree.
24. Does CT promote the development of students’ interpersonal skills (e.g., ability to relate or work with others in teams)? Moderately agree.
25. Is CT effective only when extensive computer resources are available? Moderately disagree.
26. Is CT easy to use, even though some students know more about computers than many teachers do? Moderately agree.
27. Is CT only successful if CT is part of the students’ home environment? Strongly disagree.
28. Does CT require extra time to plan learning activities? Slightly agree.
29. Does CT improve student learning of critical concepts and ideas? Moderately agree.
30. Does CT become more important to me if the student does not have access to a computer at home? Moderately