Table of content
1. Introduction and Problem statement.
Nowadays, Fair trade products are hot items. In 2006 worldwide sales came up to 1.6 billion Euros of Fairtrade Certified Products. This was about 42% more than it was the year before. Even the products coffee and cocoa knew a bigger growth in the numbers 53% and 93% respectively (Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International Annual Report, 2006/07)
Fair trade is an alternative approach to trading partnerships that aims for sustainable development of excluded or disadvantaged producers in the Third World. It seeks to achieve this by providing better trading conditions, by raising awareness and by campaigning (Krier, 2001 in de Pelsmacker & Janssens,2007)
Research has shown that the fair trade buying behavior of customers depends on a few variables. The impact of fair trade knowledge, attitudes towards the fair trade issue, the importance of the attitudes towards product-related and the overall perception of the quantity, and quality of information about the fair trade issue. Consumers’ trade-offs have a lot of influence on their fair trade buying behavior. In this study the investigation is about the trade-offs consumers have to make in buying fair trade products or not, in line with price and Fair Trade concern ( feeling sorry for the farmers in disadvantaged countries). Personally these two variables can challenge each other because the consumers have to trade-off if the price of the fair trade product is worth it to buy and on the other hand consumers feel guilty about what they have and what farmers in those countries not have.
Although the sales increased over the last few years consumers always have to measure between the price that must be paid for the fair trade products (mostly higher) and the concern consumers have. Fair trade also has a high risk because it is
References: Blumberg, B., Cooper, D.R., & Schindler, S. (2008). Business Research Methods, 2nd edition, London: McGraw- Hill Higher Education De Pelsmacker, P., & Janssens, W. (2007). A model for Fair Trade Buying Behaviour: The Role of Perceived Quantity and Quality of Information and of Product-specific attitudes Fairtrade Labeling Organizations International Annual Report. (2006/07). Retrieved Ozcaglar-Toulouse, N., Shiu, E., & Shaw, D. (2006). In search of fair trade: ethical consumer ethical consumer decision making in France