Assignment # 1
Does Globalization influence Culture?
Does globalization influence culture? This is the question we are going to examine and try to answer. The answer we have come to with this question is, No globalization does not influence culture, and from the research we have done, we find that culture actually influences globalization to a degree. People construct their identities through culture, so they will defend them.
Globalization is the trend towards greater economic, cultural, political and technological interdependence among national institutions and economies, whereas Culture is a set of values, beliefs and institutions held by a specific group of people. Culture is not a static entity, it is ever changing. At the source of every culture there is a Social Agency, which is a group of people with freedom and creativity. Thus making them two completely different things, in some parts of the world globalization is the cause of many conflicts, resulting in war and harsh feelings between the indigenous people of the area. Cultural values and belief are more resounding then people tend to think or believe. “Subaltern and indigenous people are affirming and defending their cultural and social identities.” (Amaladoss). ‘People are not passively accepting, as they have great freedom to select their own way of life. .The global tendency could not eliminate culture diversity, because we have the right to stick to our culture. (Wang, 2007). ” Cultural identities can provide a global significance of knowledge of the local culture & surroundings, forming a sense of self, community and nation. Globalization hasn 't affected the way people relate to each other or how they find meaning in life. Actually it causes people to have more of awareness towards culture, causing people to be much more concerned with uniqueness especially when it comes to their own culture.
References: Amaladoss, M. S. (n.d.). Global Homogenization: Can Local cultures Survive? . Retrieved from East Asian Pastoral Institute: Volkman, R. (n.d.). Dynamic Traditions: Why globalization doews not mena homogenization. Wang, Y. (2007). Globalization Enhances Cultural Identity. Zealand, S. C. (2000). Sister Cities New Zealand. Retrieved from Sister Cities New Zealand: