Western cultures push for a uniform world, but the process of international exchange of ideas, values or beliefs that is globalization also represents a challenge to cultural diversity. In an ideal world we would all have access to medical care and clean water, but globalization doesn’t stop once we all have the same basic means of living. The desire to create uniformity does not end there. That’s why when people in small villages are faced with big changes to the way they have been taught to live by generations before them, change is a threat to their identity. …show more content…
Authenticity does not mean to stay in the same town, with the same beliefs and practices, for an entire lifetime. Because despite efforts to fight of the changes brought on by globalization, change is inevitable. The fact that Western markets dump cheap clothes making the purchase of traditional silk completely unaffordable is an example that everything changes. Those who wish to preserve the authenticity of cultures view the changes brought by globalization as evil but what we know as tradition began as an innovation, “societies without change aren’t authentic; they’re just dead” (Par