Low class, middle class, and high class. Mayella is in a class that is lower than low class. She lives behind a dumpster where there is an old slave shelter. Nobody in the town wants to help her and her family because of how low her class is. The only person who wanted to help was Tom Robinson. He felt bad for her and helped her out. When Tom helped her out with things, people of the town thought of them as lower than the African-Americans. The yard that Mayella lives in is dirty. The only thing that is clean there is her red geraniums, they were Mayella’s red
Low class, middle class, and high class. Mayella is in a class that is lower than low class. She lives behind a dumpster where there is an old slave shelter. Nobody in the town wants to help her and her family because of how low her class is. The only person who wanted to help was Tom Robinson. He felt bad for her and helped her out. When Tom helped her out with things, people of the town thought of them as lower than the African-Americans. The yard that Mayella lives in is dirty. The only thing that is clean there is her red geraniums, they were Mayella’s red