British philosopher James Allen once said that “circumstances don 't make a man, they only reveal him.” With that being known, reality television is simply a mirror image of what our society has become; a judge mental driven society where the passion for power and money overcomes the power of love. It 's an overview of a society that is not only weak economically, but is also separated from unworldly roots. It 's also a culture that lives by hanging by a string, characterized by thrill-seekers and addictions. Knowing the popularity of reality T.V. shouldn’t be shocking considering the fact that the world we live in respects vanity, rather than value. Watching reality television has dramatically affected society by increased cases of drama, insecurity, and outlook on the world. In today’s modern life there is a growing trend towards reality T.V. shows that are based on external superficial views. Whether you realize it or not people live their lives by trends. People don’t only dress like their peers, but act and take part in the similar actions. The majority of Americans dress to impress. People judge others by their appearance which has a huge impact on people’s self-confidence. On several shows women who are supposedly “role models” are wearing tight, tacky, and revealing clothes. When teenagers are watching celebrities wearing these provocative outfits, they feel that they need to be dressing in similar aspects, because everyone wants to be “popular”. Not only do they feel they need to dress like them but act like them and say the slang, trash talk as well. According to KSAT News to teenagers today being popular consists of, being skinny and trending (KSAT News). Seeing shows like ‘Jersey Shore’ might appear inappropriate, but it shows how people can have confidence in themselves, and are not afraid to show of what they 've got which makes watchers have more confidence,
Cited:,0,6745843.story. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Jan. 2013. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Jan. 2013. Metzger, Gretchen. "T.V. Is a Blonde, Blonde World." T.V. Is a Blonde, Blonde World: n. pag. Print. Peiter, Robin L. "Reality T.V. and Agricultural Education." Reality T.V. and Agricultural Education. Sept. 2003: n. pag. Print. Reality Television. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Jan. 2013. .