The book of Job deals with a question which has troubled people time and time again: “Why do bad things happen to good people?. Society questions Why God allows us to suffer if we are faithful to him and we love him. In the book of Job it is taught that human suffering may be caused by many things. Just because we suffer does not necessarily mean God is angry with us. It also does not necessarily mean we are being punished for our sins. The book of Job shows us that innocent people suffer in this life along with the wicked. For example, natural disasters such as floods affect everybody, anyone can become sick & accidents unfortunately can happen …show more content…
to anyone rich and poor, young and old, evil and good. Truth is, death will come to everyone.
The Book of Job shows that people that suffer can question their faith with the battles of life, have an unbroken relationship with a loving God, and still come to a resolution for personal and collective injustice and undeserved suffering.
These observations need to be addressed not only within the context of the suffering by the righteous man, Job, but also because many people in the world today suffer and can identify with Job. The problem with suffering, human misery or evil in all its forms is a problem only for the person who believes in one God who is supposed to be all powerful and all-loving. Suffering, then, is the main issue that forces a consideration of the deeper questions posed by this concept, especially as it affects the lives of those who have a more personal loving, intimate relationship with the living God. All the questions that relate to man, God, and Satan , justice and injustice, freedom, innocence and guilt, good and bad, and blessing and cursing are all within the context of undeserved suffering, which can be found in Job. This is why it’s a wisdom book. The basic concept of wisdom has always been connected with skill and to “know-how”. Job challenges readers to discover the “know how” presented in the book so that they might achieve competence in dealing with the questions of suffering. From the Book of Job readers can learn how to challenge the false misconceptions related to suffering and how to maintain a loving and meaningful relationship, in …show more content…
the midst of suffering, with the sovereign God.
The Book of Job is written for one main purpose: to show us what is going on in our trials. Job was a God-fearing man. Satan wants to take credibility away from God by showing that Job is only righteous because God has blessed him financially and given him a large family and many possessions. He wants to show that Job’s is only faithful when God blesses him. Satan approaches God’s and seeks permission of God to bring hardship upon Job. Job is stripped of his sons and daughters and his possessions, but still continues to worship God. Satan goes back to God and asks to attack Job directly. God says that he can do whatever he wants as long as he doesn’t take Job’s life, because that is the ultimate suffering. Job is afflicted with boils and is in great pain, His wife makes him curse God. His friends for days try to convince Job that his difficulty is a result of unconfessed sin in his life. They were of the mindset that godly living brings blessing and ungodly living brings cursing. Job calls out to God but there is no answer. Finally, after hat seems like forever, God responds by rebuking Job and reminding Job of all of His creation and power. Job responds in Job 42:5-6 by saying, “I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; But now my eye sees You; Therefore I retract, And I repent in dust and ashes.” Job realized that God was God, and He was not. His job was to believe that God was in control, and He could be trusted. God was merciful to Job and blessed Job more in his later days then he had ever blessed him with before.
There are so many useful truths contained in this story which dates back to the time of Abraham in the first book of the Bible.
First it shows that God is sovereign. God is in complete control and has a master plan for us and for the world that only He fully understands. Second, Satan can’t do anything without God, He can only tempt and bring pain and suffering if God grants him permission to do so. In the case of Job, God knew that Job would come to a place of growth in the Lord, he knew he planned to bless Job more richly later. God knew that all of us would benefit from knowing about Job’s story. We got to see behind the scenes, Job did not. In our own lives, we do not get to see behind the scenes, but we can learn from Job’s experience that God can be trusted and that He is in complete
We can learn that God is the Creator of all things. His wisdom is far above anything that any man could ever understand. And because he is the creator of all, God has no obligation to explain any of His actions to man. It can also be learned that if one truly has faith in God, he will remain faithful to God no matter what happens, he may not understand what is happening, or why. But he will trust God because he knows he loves us and knows what is best for us. The book of Job shows that anyone is open to sometime of suffering not because they are good or evil, but simply because they are human .Fourth, we can learn that Satan does not have power over us, God is stronger. God will not allow Satan to take away our power to choose between right and wrong. Although we can learn that Satan may use other people to discourage us: In Job’s case, Satan used his wife and his three friends. We must always put God first, even before our family and close friends. It can be learned that we need to have patience as Job did, we must learn to endure the hardships of life. We must remember that in the end, God’s people will always win.