The purpose of this experiment was to practice applying the use of the scientific method. One of the main steps in the scientific method is forming a hypothesis. Increasing fertilizer is expected to increase rate of growth and increase number of leaves.…
Katherine wants to investigate if the time of day a plant is watered affects the growth of the plant. She hypothesizes that a plant watered in the morning will grow faster than a plant watered at other times of the day.…
Katherine wants to investigate if the time of day a plant is watered affects the growth of the plant. She hypothesizes that a plant watered in the morning will grow faster than a plant watered at other times of the day.…
All plants need light and water to grow. They rely on their seeds and pollen or spores for reproduction. Plants use photosynthesis and cellular respiration. “Photosynthesis is the process used by plants, algae and certain bacteria to harness energy from sunlight into chemical energy,” said by Science Live. Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide and creates oxygen. Living creatures including plants get their energy from cellular respiration. Cellular respiration changes oxygen and glucose to carbon dioxide and water into energy. Plant cells work just as animal cells work except they also can create their own food. Chia seeds will be used in the experiment. Chia seeds are a source of protein for humans and animals, one tablespoon can provide twenty-four hours of…
The use of water to supply in Hydroponics provides nutrients to plants in a liquid form which makes them instantly available and not expend any energy in developing a huge root system (Bridgewood 2003, pp.9) Instead it puts its growth into foliage and fruit where most nutrients are found increasing the nutritional value of the food produced (Dekorne 1999, p.94).…
Background Information: In plant growth, calcium effects the metabolic process of other nutrient uptake that is vital for growth of the plant. Calcium also strengthens the cell wall structure (It is an essential part of the cell wall);…
Milk and dairy products are a source of calcium. They help to maintain strong teeth and bones. Without having any dairy products, they teeth and bones would start becoming weak. It contains Proteins, fat and vitamins A and D. Also, helps the muscle and nerve function. This is the reason for babies having milk as it helps their growth and helps to…
I think the one with milk is going to grow best of the three, not including the control. Milk is good for the body and I think it could also be good for plants.…
Milk and dairy foods – these provide calcium for healthy bones and teeth, protein for growth, plus vitamins and minerals.…
Since the birth of the human race, the consumption of milk has been a popular nutrient. Currently, cow’s milk is considered the most consumed in the entire United States. However, contrary to popular belief, cow’s milk is not a viable source to drink from. Although it may contain many vital ingredients that living organisms need to survive, it is riddled with hormones, antibiotics, pus, and even blood. Cow’s milk is not intended for the consumption of humans; cow’s milk is for cows. The milk from cows is also believed to directly influence the creation of cancer cells.…
The amount of water for growing a plant has always been questioned regarding how much of it is most effective to grow the plant to its greatest potential. Too little water will not effectively grow the seed because it would require more water for photosynthesis. If there is not enough water, photosynthesis will not occur as much and will not produce as much C6H12O6 (sugar) it needs to construct cellulose for its cell walls (its structure), produce ATP (energy) molecules from respiration, and make organic molecules. Too much water would also be dangerous for the plant because oxygen wouldn 't be able to get through the overwatered soil and get to the roots, thus suffocating them. Oxygen is vital for respiration, the process of making energy (ATP) for the plant. Also, overwatering can kill the seed by drowning it and making its tissue fragile to rotting, not even growing the plant. From these researched observations, it can be assumed that the in-between amounts of water are favorable to the growth of the seed and plant lifespan.…
Might Not Be Doing You Much Good,” Aaron E. Carroll (2014) discusses that milk might not be healthy as most people think. Even though some institutions encourage people to drink milk every day, there is not enough indication that proves drinking milk is healthy. Even the dairy factories advertisements do not say that drinking milk is good for the body’s health because it contains calcium and vitamin D. The Journal of Bone And Mineral Research find out that milk has nothing to do with strengthen bones. Another study confirms that drinking much milk may cause risks of fractions and death. Thousands of people, from different ages and genders, participated in these studies. As a result, there is no relation between drinking milk and increase the bones strengthen. Carroll emphasizes that most results seems clearly that drinking milk leads to risks rather than benefits. Furthermore, he agrees that vitamin D helps bones to absorb calcium, but getting more vitamin D does not help in strengthen bones. Milk has many calories whether it is a low-fat or whole fat, drinking much milk causes the obesity, regardless of that it has much protein. People can replace animals’ milk and drink soy milk…
Many gardens are known to add grounded coffee to the soil in order to accelerate plant growth. However, it is not clear whether the improved growth is due to the caffeine or the presence of potassium and phosphorous in coffee. It is also possible that caffeine retards plant growth but the presence of potassium and phosphorous in coffee reverses this effect.…
Babies have very specific nutritional needs to be able to develop through the first stages of life healthily. They require milk that is high in protein for the essential amino acids to aid growth. The milk must also have a high fat content to support the quick growth rate of babies. They also require a combination of vitamins and minerals;…
III. Breast milk is important because, it supplies all the vitamins and nutrients a baby’s body needs to grow properly.…