Testable hypothesis- dose the brand of dog food you feed your dog effect how much it defecates?(poops)
Who will be in your study? in my study i would use three lab dogs
Who will you be able to generalize your results to?the pepole i would present this to would be
1. vets
2. stores
3.pet owners independent variable- my independent verayable would be the difrent brands of dog food,many pet owners say that it depends on the dogs size and others say it has a lot to do with the amount of food you give your dog a day,others think it has to do on how active your dog is. dependent variable - measuring independent /dependent variable my dependit veraiable would be the wheght of the feces that was collected. by doing that i would feed all three dogs the same amount and difrent brand of food for one day and follow with the same routine for the next tow days whaigh the poop and keeping trake of the brand of food and amount each dog has pooped that day. mesuring my independet veraiabel, i would use 1cup of dog food per dog,each having a difrent brand or food like purina ,iams,slience dog food, for each of the feeding the dogs have a day and by that i would mesure my dependit veriable with a scale and probably use a difrent scale just to use as a second option prediction- if using difrent brands of dog food afects how much a dog poops then i predict that yes their will be a weight difrents in evrys dog feces because each dog will react difrent to the brands of food.so my prediction is that i will come out with a positive,because based on the statment stated in my hypothesis the result in conclusion that i came up with as a strong coralation.
How will i ensure reliability well i think if i use or increse the number of times i feed or whigh mor poop and probably test more dogs
How will i ensure validity- the only way that i think i can get or ensure vality is by useing a more acurate digetal