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Dollar General Case Study
1. Explain why the old, nonintegrated functional system created problems for the company. Be specific.
The rapid growth of the Dollar General places strain on its existing IT systems. Because the old non-integrated functional system was not scalable, there was a negative impact on meeting the working demand. There were two major problems created. The demand was too high for Dollar General to generate long reports for things like asset management and general ledgers. The old system also lacked the provisions of web-based functionalities and tools. Furthermore, the major suppliers for Dollar general had switched from a mainframe-based infrastructure to Electronic data interchange structures. This allowed for them to exchange data via any electronic means. 1. Each state has different tax rates. The old system that was in place could not change Dollar Generals tax rate in different states once they started expanding the business. The old nonintegrated functional system could not be adjusted to accommodate this change to recognize the differences between those individual 's state taxes. …show more content…
Furthermore, the IT department expectations increase as it is anticipated for them to play a more vital and strategic function in the organization by instantly contributing to the organizations ' financial performance and by helping to create a competitive advantage. I would make a recommendation because Lawson Services Automation helps organizations in overcoming their obstructions, acknowledging difficult questions, and exceeding the objectives they’ve established for themselves