Mayra A Torres
Kaplan University
Prof Russo
I think that the type of claim my thesis express is a claim of cause. It work’s good for a domestic violence thesis. This thesis can be an effective one fist because is a global problem that touch everyone in a different way. There’s a lot of information out there I can use to add more information to my thesis or to make it better. And I think I have a point and I choose a good topic, a lot of people have interest and want to know more about domestic violence. like I say in my discussion post I would use ethos, proving my knowledge on the subject. bringing accurate information from reliable sources. Pathos, domestic violence is extremely sad, I have to touch the feelings of the people I would try make them think how they going to feel if they are in this situation or if a member of his family have a domestic violence problem how they going feel. What hurts more is to see children suffering domestic violence, but I need to be careful how I show that because it can hurt people’s feelings. Logos, reasoning with other people sometimes it’s not easy and if I try to reasoning about domestic violence, it’s going to be more hard because for some people domestic violence is still a taboo I need to reach them by images of the consequences of violence perhaps informative videos and Use the high statistics we have in all the country. Domestic violence is a problem that affects all of us in different ways. It’s not easy to prove this and make people understand this either. It doesn’t matter that this is a global problem they are people out there that don’t talk about this they live in total negation. Domestic violence not only affects the survivor, but the survivor’s children, the person who is abusive, the health care system, the criminal justice system, businesses, families and friends of the survivor and the abuser, and society. In the United States, increased