What I wanted for my neighbor in Haiti was to have a safe home where she could feel happy, where she felt safe, and to never have to be ashamed and get beaten. In the USA, domestic violence is taken seriously and considered an actually crime rather than Haiti, which find it as anything than a story.
There are differences between domestic violence in Haiti vs. the USA. In Haiti there is not a lot of police control like in most of America. In America, if a women is suffering from domestic violence they usually know where to turn to for help, like who to call and where to go, but in Haiti there are significantly fewer resources. There are few, if any, people to call. There are, however, some similarities. In both country, domestic violence results from sexism. Such men think they can tell women what to do and they think they can do whatever they want with women. In Haiti, it is like women are men’s slaves. In America this is a little