So, my aim is to show you that too many people suffer from this situation. They're helpless and most of them don't know what they have to do. I hope that by the end of this essay you will be highly conscious and see the scope of domestic violence.
My subject is divided into three areas. Firstly, I plan to give you an overview the defining of domestic violence. Then, I will explain why people choose the use of violence against their partners or children. And lastly, I intend to demonstrate its impacts on the people.
Let's start with what domestic violence is? Domestic violence …show more content…
is a coercive and offensive behaviors that include physical violence or threat of physical violence to get control, emotional or mental abuse or sexual abuse between family or household members or former spouses. Domestic violence has been framed and understood exclusively as a women's issue but also men can be victims of abuse. The batterer uses acts of violence and series of behaviors including intimidation, threats, psychological abuse and isolation to coerce and control the other person. The violence may not happen often, but may remain a hidden and constant terrorizing factor. Let me give you an example;
⦁ Domestic violence constitutes %22 of violent crime against female and %3 of violent crime against male.
⦁ According to research of TUİK, last 5 years, 802 women died as a result of domestic violence. Also, protective and preventive measures were forehead for 4500 women in …show more content…
⦁ Another example is that every 9 seconds in the U.S. a woman is assaulted, beaten or take an emotional, physical therats.
So, I wanted to say about domestic violence is not typically a singular event and is not limited to only physical agression. Rather it is the pervasive and methodical use of threats, intimidation, manipulation and physical violence by someone who seeks power and control over their intimate partner.
Now let's look at the reasons of domestic violence. In fact the roots of domestic violence can be attributed to a variety of cultural, social, economic and psychological factors. As a learned behavior, domestic violence is modeled by individuals, institutions and society which may influence the perspectives of children and adults regarding its acceptability. Abusive and violent behaviors can be learned through;
i. childhood observations of domestic violence ii. one's experience of victimization iii. exposure to community, school, or peer group violence iv. living in a culture of violence (e.g. violent movies or videogames, community norms and cultural beliefs)
Domestic violence is reinforced by cultural values and beliefs, and it is further supported when peers, family members, or others in the community.
(e.g. coworkers, social services providers, police or clergy..) minimize or ignore the abuse and fail to provide consequences.
Research suggest that psychopathology, substance abuse, poverty, cultural factors, stress and depression can affect its severity, frequency and the nature of the perpetrator's abusive behavior. As a result, the abuser learns that not only is the behavior justified, but also it is acceptable.
That brings me to impacts of domestic violence. The effects of domestic violence on victims are more typically recognized, but perpetrators also are impacted by their abusive behavior as they stand to lose children, damage relationships, and face legal consequences. Long-term domestic abuse can have destructive emotional, physical and social effects. Abusers commanly make threats to find victims, inflict harm or kill them if they end the relationship. This fear becomes a reality for many victims who are stalked by their partner after leaving. For example, 1 in 4 women in the UK suffer from domestic abuse in their lifetimes and 3 women die everyday. Also, those who suffer the most are women and children. They can become more anger, anxiety or hypervigilance, tend to suicide or have an health problems due to the long term abuse. Moreover, these health problems can be persistent. So, as you can see, domestic violence has
a serious negative effect on victims. To recap, today we have covered three important ideas that are defining of domestic violence, the reasons of domestic violence and the impacts of domestic violence. If you want more information about this topic or if you face such a situation, you can get inform from some institutions and organizations or you can look at these webpages.
Domestic violence is a serious problem and it must be minimize as possible as. Therefore, in this case, beside increse of the state of its own actions, those who are exposed to domestic violence, should be in and more aware of what rigths they have and how they will get rid of from this situation.