After reading Enchantment: The Life of Audrey Hepburn by Donald Spoto, I was able to piece together Audrey’s underlying moral values and core characteristics. From the connections I was able to make, it seems as though Hepburn lived her life mostly by the theory of virtue ethics and some aspects of deontology. Hepburn centered her life on the virtues of selflessness and generosity, which caused her to use these virtues as jumping off point when making decisions. These traits were not simply just tendencies that Audrey possessed to be good, Audrey truly believed that honesty was the …show more content…
Due to the sudden abandonment of Joseph, Audrey took a stand against him in whatever way she could. Although, I do not believe this was Audrey’s sole reason for assisting the movement, I do think it played a role in her decision to be involved. Audrey was constantly risking her life to participate in these kinds of shows, just showing how far she was willing to go to help others (no matter the cost). She was quoted as saying; “It was quite normal for Dutch children to risk death to save the lives of a resistance worker.” This alone proving that her support was something that she thought was just expected of