Donald Trump
The reason why I choice to write an essay about Mr. Trump? I would have to start off by saying that he is a very wealthy man. He owns some of the most spectacular properties in the world. He is a well-known celebrity. He has been in T.V shows and even commercials. He is an author and a well educated man.
In the early 1990’s he was not looking to good, He owed billions in loans and could not afford to pay back. The real estate market was down, He just didn’t have the fund to cover his assets. He filed for bankruptcy many times with in a long period of time. He went through a divorce. This are some obstacles Mr. Trump faced in his career.
Donald Trump overcame his obstacles by never giving up on himself. He’s motivations where his critic and his down fall he refused to give up and he refused to be broke. But that was just part of him overcoming his obstacles. He came up with a game plan and had many projects lined up for him and his staff.
After high school Trump attended Fordham University for 2 years. He then transferred to Wharton Business School where he graduated in 1968 with a bachelor of Science in Economics. So the overall factor that his education played was crucial. He couldn’t of gotten where he is if it wasn’t for his education in economics and real estate.
How does Donald Trump stay motivated, Ill tell you how. He keeps a box of news paper clippings, magazine articles, and letters that serve him as a reminder of his success. He reads the articles of his achievement. He then quickly and easily motivates himself to achieve bigger goals. By him doing this he renews his sense of what is achievable.
Here are some tips and ideas that I can use in my education and professional success. Surround my self with evidence of my previous success like awards and