Kentucky Senator and Libertarian favorite, Rand Paul has a new campaign strategy — attempting to take down Republican front-runner Donald Trump.
Paul’s campaign on Monday issued an email to reporters of a conference call specifically dedicated to Donald Trump. Earlier the day, Paul called Trump a “fake conservative” in his op-ed piece to IJ Review (
In his piece, Paul attacked Trump on his flip-flopping on conservative issues over the past several years.
"This is a guy who said in 1999 that he was a strong supporter of the United Nations. He was for partial birth abortion before he was against …show more content…
"I think it's time someone does stand up and really calls nonsense, Are we going to fix the country simply through bombastic and empty blather? I think it is time someone challenges him.If no one stands up to a bully, a bully will just keep doing what they are doing, I'm happy to do it.” Paul said.
Citing the Tea Party as his deep commitment to flush out “the fake conservatives from the Republican ranks”, Paul said the "Tea Party was unhappy with Washington machine where politicians are bought and sold and many are still unhappy with this idea where Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton and her husband former President Bill Clinton seem to profited from their public office years.”
During Thursday first national Republican debate, Fox moderator Bret Baeir asked everyone on stage who is unwilling to support the eventual republican nominee and run a third party in which Trump was the only candidate to raise his hand. Paul within seconds, in his furious tone, seized on Trump’s answer to say, “this is what’s wrong!” He’s already hedging his bet on the Clintons, so if he doesn’t run as a Republican, maybe he supports Clinton, or maybe he runs as an independent. But I’d say that he’s already hedging his bets because he’s used to buying