
Dunbar Case 8 The Use Of Hedge Summary

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Table 4.8 The Use of Hedge by Trump.

Type of Disagreement Frequency Utterance
The use of Hedge 3 The NAFTA agreement is defective. Just because of the tax and many other reasons, but just because of the fact...
(Datum 1) Well, could I just finish -- I think I...
(Datum 2) I think it's disgraceful.
(Datum 3)

Datum 1
Utterance above is included into the use of hedge. It is indicated by the present of word “just”, this word function to soften the disagreement. In this case Trump try to argue to Clinton, he said that NAFTA is devective only because of tax. Meaning that Trump conclude NAFTA became worst because of tax and other reason. Here he used “just” to minimize the face threatening act toward Clinton.

Datum 2
The conversation above shows Trump disagreement to Holt to open the next segment. He said that he want to finish his statement. The use of hedge “just and I think” function to soften his disagreement to Holt.
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Trump did not agree toward taking the Fifth Amandement. He said that it is disgraceful. He uses “I think” to soften the disagreement in order to safe addressee positive face. Correction
The sixth strategy used by Trump was Correction. Correction is correting the thruth. In t his case the writer found 2 utterances containing disagreement strategies in the form of correction which will present in Table 4.9
Table 4.9 The Use of Correction Strategy by Trump.
Type of Disagreement Frequency Utterance
Correction 2 We cannot let it happen.
(Datum 1) Secretary Clinton, and you will see devastation where manufacture is down 30, 40, percent. NAFTA is the worst trade deal maybe ever signed anywhere, but certainly ever signed in this country.

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