Travelers Insurance
The name is of the company is Travelers Companies, INC. It is incorporated in the state of Minnesota and it’s headquarter is located in New York. The company’s main products and services includes providing the traditional property and casualty insurance, such as personal insurance like personal automobile and homes. But the company also offers products for alternative forms of risk protection in addition to traditional insurance products they sell.
The company also offers business Insurance with a broad array of property and casualty insurance and insurance-related services to its clients. The business insurance is divided into six groups namely: Select accounts, Commercial accounts, National accounts, Industrial-focused accounts, Target risk underwriting, and specialized distribution. And the company also participant in a state assigned risk pool as a servicing carrier and pool participant in services such as commercial automobile, commercial property, general liability and commercial Multi-Peril.
They also offer all these products both domestically and internationally primarily in the United Kingdom, Canada, and Republic of Ireland. The Travelers Companies INC has 91 subsidiaries and 35 affiliated company. The company does have code of conducts with principles that cover main ideas such as the company’s policy to comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations; the sharing of material that are non-public information is illegal and against Company policy; addressing the conflict of interest which occurs when an individual’s private interests interfere with the interests of the Company; gifting and corruption; access to private and confidential information.
The code of conducts also addressed the use of the company’s assets and its safety which is the responsibility of the employees, officers, and directors. Ensuring that the records of the company’s assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses are accurately and